Vaccines (May 2019)
Novel Synthetic DNA Immunogens Targeting Latent Expressed Antigens of Epstein–Barr Virus Elicit Potent Cellular Responses and Inhibit Tumor Growth
Infectious diseases are linked to 15%−20% of cancers worldwide. Among them, Epstein−Barr virus (EBV) is an oncogenic herpesvirus that chronically infects over 90% of the adult population, with over 200,000 cases of cancer and 150,000 cancer-related deaths attributed to it yearly. Acute EBV infection can present as infectious mononucleosis, and lead to the future onset of multiple cancers, including Burkitt lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and gastric carcinoma. Many of these cancers express latent viral genes, including Epstein−Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) and latent membrane proteins 1 and 2 (LMP1 and LMP2). Previous attempts to create potent immunogens against EBV have been reported but generated mixed success. We designed novel Synthetic Consensus (SynCon) DNA vaccines against EBNA1, LMP1 and LMP2 to improve on the immune potency targeting important antigens expressed in latently infected cells. These EBV tumor antigens are hypothesized to be useful targets for potential immunotherapy of EBV-driven cancers. We optimized the genetic sequences for these three antigens, studied them for expression, and examined their immune profiles in vivo. We observed that these immunogens generated unique profiles based on which antigen was delivered as the vaccine target. EBNA1vax and LMP2Avax generated the most robust T cell immunity. Interestingly, LMP1vax was a very weak immunogen, generating very low levels of CD8 T cell immunity both as a standalone vaccine and as part of a trivalent vaccine cocktail. LMP2Avax was able to drive immunity that impacted EBV-antigen-positive tumor growth. These studies suggest that engineered EBV latent protein vaccines deserve additional study as potential agents for immunotherapy of EBV-driven cancers.