KözigazgatásTudomány (Dec 2022)
Az automatikus döntéshozatal helye és szerepe a hatósági eljárásban (Place and role of automatic decision-making in the administrative procedure)
The spread of infocommunication tools and digitalisation has transformed many segments of our lives, and it is difficult to find an area that has escaped the impact of these achievements. It is no different with the official procedure, it adapts to the current needs and possibilities, the legislator adapts the possibilities provided by the development of technology. The question, of course, is what and how it can or should be incorporated into existing structures, whether a complete paradigm shift may be needed. The emergence of automatic decision-making in the official process is a direct consequence of technological and organizational developments. The present study seeks to answer the question of what automatic decision-making is and what manifestations it currently has in official decision-making.