Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria (Dec 2022)
„Prägung. Geblieben sind die Erinnerungen, die gedankenschwer in meinem Bewußtsein wüten“. Grafische Verfahren zur Sichtbarmachung von Strukturen des Erinnerns bei Joachim Zintel
The article describes the aspects of Joachim Zintel’s (Berlin, 1943) graphics that are referred to as typography. In his graphics, the artist processes snippets of memories of the flight from Stettin to Berlin at the end of the World War II. But it is not the historical events that come to the fore in the graphics, but the processes of remembering and forgetting, the themes of images that are characterized by shifts, highlights, obscuring, blurring and gaps.