Reflexão & Ação (Jul 2013)

THE MALE FIGURE ON CLASSICAL DANCE: from prejudice to life on stage

  • Diego Ebling do Nascimento,
  • Mariângela da Rosa Afonso

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 1
pp. 219 – 236


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The common sense is used to relating ballet, when not danced by girls, to homosexuality. This prejudice is reflected by the distance taken by boys who could fancy dancing it. As such, this study aims to discuss issues about gender relations and the possible prejudice existent concerning boys who dance classical ballet, from their parents’ view. The methodology being used was qualitative-descriptive wise and was characterized as a case-study. The target public was parents from boys who dance ballet. For the data collection, a semi-structured interview was made with these parents, being one parent male and another female. As a result, it was noticed that the boys’ parents show no prejudice, since these boys are supported to keep dancing. There are, however, evidences that part of society still show some prejudice towards this issue. Key-words: prejudice, male gender, family, gender, ballet
