Revista Brasileira em Promoção da Saúde (Mar 2013)

The teaching of self-care to ostomy patients and their families: an integrative review

  • Nariman de Felício Bortucan Lenza,
  • Helena Megumi Sonobe,
  • Luciana Scatralhe Buetto,
  • Marco Gimenes dos Santos,
  • Mariza Silva de Lima

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 1
pp. 139 – 145


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Objectives: To characterize the national and international literature on the teaching of selfcare to bowel ostomates and their relatives. Methods: It is an integrative review, in LILACS and MEDLINE electronic databases, in the period from 1996 to 2006, with the keywords ‘teaching’, ‘ostomates’ and ‘nursing’. Results: The sample was composed of eight articles, which reported the importance of teaching strategies applied with patients and their families regarding self-care and management of the stoma and collectors, however, no study has brought specific and systematized teaching strategies. Conclusion: The analyzed literature has demonstrated the importance of teaching strategies addressing the issue of self-care for the ostomates, but expressed the lack of researches and publications on the implementation of contextualized actions and with appropriate language for these patients and their families.
