Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik (Sep 2022)

Die Negation kontrastiv : einige Bemerkungen zur Negation im deutschen Meißner Rechtsbuch und in den tschechischen Übersetzungen aus dem 15. und 16. Jahrhundert

  • Libuše Spáčilová

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 33, no. Supplementum


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The study presents the results of research aimed at various forms of negation used in the German version of the Law Book of Meissen written 1357–1387 in the central part of the German language area. This law book served as an important municipal legal document not only in various German towns, but also in many towns founded by German colonists in the Czech Lands. For the purpose of this study, negation was analysed in the edited manuscript of the Law Book of Meissen written in German (the so called manuscript B) and in three other German manuscripts of this legal document (O1 , O2 and V). All three manuscripts were used in Olomouc. The research results were confronted with all forms of negation in 19 (Old) Czech translations of the Law Book of Meissen from the years 1400–1516.
