Science and Engineering of Composite Materials (Apr 2021)
Flexural bearing capacity and failure mechanism of CFRP-aluminum laminate beam with double-channel cross-section
In this study, the flexural bearing capacity and failure mechanism of carbon fiber-reinforced aluminum laminate (CARALL) beams with a double-channel cross-section and a 3/2 laminated configuration were experimentally and numerically studied. Two types of specimens using different carbon fiber layup configurations ([0°/90°/0°]3 and [45°/0°/−45°]3) were fabricated using the pressure molding thermal curing forming process. The double-channel CARALL beams were subjected to static three-point bending tests to determine their failure behaviors in terms of ultimate bearing capacity and failure modes. Owing to the shortcomings of the two-dimensional Hashin failure criterion, the user-defined FORTRAN subroutine VUMAT suitable for the ABAQUS/Explicit solver and an analysis algorithm were established to obtain a progressive damage prediction of the CFRP layer using the three-dimensional Hashin failure criterion. Various failure behaviors and mechanisms of the CARALL beams were numerically analyzed. The results indicated that the numerical simulation was consistent with the experimental results for the ultimate bearing capacity and final failure modes, and the failure process of the double-channel CARALL beams could be revealed. The ultimate failure modes of both types of double-channel CARALL beams were local buckling deformation at the intersection of the upper flange and web near the concentrated loading position, which was mainly caused by the delamination failure among different unidirectional plates, tension and compression failure of the matrix, and shear failure of the fiber layers. The ability of each fiber layer to resist damage decreased in the order of 90° fiber layer > 0° fiber layer > 45° fiber layer. Thus, it is suggested that 90°, 0°, and 45° fiber layers should be stacked for double-channel CARALL beams.