Case Reports in Dentistry (Jan 2015)

Late Developing Supernumeraries in a Case of Nonsyndromic Multiple Supernumerary Teeth

  • Mine Bozkurt,
  • Tugba Bezgin,
  • Ayşegül Tüzüner Öncül,
  • Rukiye Göçer,
  • Şaziye Sarı

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Vol. 2015


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Objective. This case report presents 3-year follow-up of a case of nonsyndromic multiple supernumerary teeth (NSMST) with 11 supernumerary teeth, 2 of which showed subsequent formation. Case Report. A 10-year-old girl was referred to the dental clinic with the chief complaint of delayed eruption. Radiographic examination showed 9 retained supernumerary teeth. The treatment plan consisted of extraction of the supernumerary teeth and associated primary teeth in order to allow the permanent teeth to erupt. After 2 years of follow-up, 2 additional supernumerary teeth were observed. Conclusion. Regular follow-up for late forming supernumeraries is crucial for NSMST cases.