Comptes Rendus. Géoscience (Oct 2022)
Contribution of the dynamic visualization of a 3D hydrogeological conceptual model to the participatory management of groundwater resources
Groundwater is an essential water resource for domestic use, agriculture and other socioeconomic activities, as well as ecological services around the world. Participative approach to water resources management is essential, and requires all stakeholders to have sufficient knowledge and understanding of processes taking place, from rainfall to recharge, drainage and discharge ([De Marsily and Besbes, 2017]). Understanding unseen processes require abstraction and imagination. In many cases, detailed 3D conceptual models may help non-specialists to understand underground environments and thereby address questions related to the management of groundwater resources ([Jeannin et al., 2013, Malard, 2018]). In order to increase the understanding of dynamic hydrogeological processes, a flow animation module (FAM) has been developed within Visual KARSYS (; a web tool dedicated to 3D conceptual modelling of complex aquifers. Concepts and principles of 3D conceptual models and of the new FAM are presented and discussed in this paper with an application to a volcanic aquifer in Indonesia.