Hortus Botanicus (Dec 2021)
Composition and population structure of testate amoebae (Rhizopoda, Testacea) soil communities in Botanic Garden of PetrSU
Population of the soil testate amoebae in two types of biotopes (herb meadow, Pinetum oxalidosum) was investigated. During 2019-2020 years seven taxa and dominant species were identified: Cyclopyxis eurystoma, Trinema lineare, and species of the genus Euglypha. The similarity in quantitative and qualitative compositions between the groups of Testacea was 73%. Number of testate amoebae changed during the growing season. Number of C. eurystoma and T. lineare species grew in the spring and summer (may-august), but decreased in the autumn (September). On the contrary Nebela militaris numbers didn’t change during the growing season.