Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series (Jan 2018)
Reflections on Research, Creativity and Innovation as Pillars in Enhancing the EU’s Convergence Process
Beyond the inherent problems of the periods of crisis, Europe can bet on the convergence process on resources such as talent, creativity of its citizens, vital elements in the generation of scale effects. Supporting the human resource, stimulating research, creativity and innovation, EU ensure its premises to long-term development. Considering these aspects, the paper aims at accounting for the importance of creativity, innovation and investment in human capital for the strengthening of EU’s resilience capacity so as to turn it into a more intelligent, more inclusive and a more sustainable entity. The article highlights, one the one hand, the position of the various states in terms of creativity, measured on the basis of 3Ts (talent, technology, tolerance) and, on the other hand, their correlation with the Human Development Index and economic growth. The results obtained will guide in drawing out some action measures.