Transport (Sep 2018)
Assessing knowledge level of stakeholders on transport interchange design and operation
The paper advances the results of the on-going work conducted within the frame of the European Twinning project ALLIANCE. In the effort to assess educational needs of different stakeholder groups involved in the domain, this paper’s main interest is to study knowledge and importance of governance issues and smart solutions, which enable smooth and seamless interconnectivity of alternative transportation modes, and techniques for facilitating decision-making and evaluation of these solutions. Data were collected through a questionnaire web-based survey addressed to different stakeholder groups in Latvia: policy makers, industry, academia/research and students. From the statistical analysis conducted it was concluded that there are differences in the average rating of different thematic areas (i.e. governance, smart solutions, decision-making) by the respondents. Especially stakeholders belonging to policy makers, industry and students valuated their knowledge on Governance and Smart Solutions below average and at the same time these areas as important for carrier development. Recommendations on the adaptation of an education/training program for Latvia were drawn from the above analysis.