Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Dec 2016)
Анистратенко Антонина. Модель национального героя Украины как историографический результат. Разница между национальной и государственной историей в мировом масштабе существует достаточно существенная, и она заключается в основе альтернативизма и поле альтернатив исторической онтологии и исторической интерпретации. Итак, реконструкция осуществляется в поле альтернативной истории, ведь осуществляется она при серьезных разногласиях между национальной и государственной историей Украины. Какая антипрограма мешает альтернативным историям встроиться в настоящую историю нашего отечества? На этот вопрос пытается дать ответ предлагаемая статья. Ключевые слова: история, историография, альтернативная история, национальный герой, литературоведческая модель, современная литература. Anistratenko Antonina. Model of the national haracter in Ukraine as a historiographical result. The difference between national and state history realises on a global scale. It is very significant and motivates alternative stories and alternatives historical field in the ontology area and historical interpretation at ones. The starting point of history is mostly state issues Reunion, its civic identity and political independence. Transcultural concept of national haracter is used successfully in the economically and sociallydeveloped countries. Though it may seem irrational, but the point of view is transforming usually in sphere of state history, which, in an ideal scenario, coincides with national history at least in terms of historical simulation. Due to the specific history of Ukraine, the mentioned coincidence of historical models can not be considered nowdays. Everytime we are going to read or to speak about the glorious past, implies narratee national history, as the history of the state, that is compared with the independence. This kind of freedom could not be considered the doctrine of historical worldview, but often becomes a phantom of provocations and historical periphery. Therefore, an historical simulation - a national hero gets ontological operation in the field of national alternative historic: he is always Ukrainian national hero and never a national hero in Ukraine. Special historical influence of identity gives the similar result only if to glance at it firstly. After depper research difference became truly, because the Ukrainian national hero or haracter may got approval or may have disapproval, it can reach good or bed features and involve eventfulness, create cognitive models of historiography. National Haracter of Ukraine has instead valence of words connected Hero of Ukraine, which contains a hermeneutic meaning approval. These programmatic models are ideal for historiography and history of the event series, however, alternative histories, are in the field of national or state history. But the alternative history characterizes by the goal of reconstruction, escape the missed component in state history of Ukraine, it trys to renew its high-quality replacement for political history. So, the reconstruction was performed in an alternate history, because it was made in the situation of big distance and great difference between the national and state history of Ukraine. What is a reason which prevents alternative stories fit into the real history of our fatherland? This question is trying to answer the proposed article. Key words: History, historiography, alternate history, national hero / haracter, literary model, modern literature.