Поволжская археология (Mar 2014)
Historiographical thoughts in connection with the anniversary of Vladimir Fedorovich Gening
In connection with the 90 years’ anniversary of Vladimir Fyodorovich Gening (1924 – 1993), an eminent Soviet archaeologist, the milestones of the scholar’s biography and the principal directions of his research activity are traced in the article. A brief overview of studies, which are devoted to V.F. Gening’s scientific biography and to evaluation of the importance of his research heritage, is provided in the article. An important aspect of the present work is the comprehension of V.F. Gening’s scientific contribution to Soviet archaeology development, first of all its theoretical aspects, to the formation of new research directions and problem fields of science, and the role played by him in the consolidation of professional archaeological training system. V.F. Gening’s contribution to archaeological studies of the Volga region and the territories historically connected to it – the Urals and Western Siberia – is also noted.