Physical Review Research (Feb 2024)
Macroscopic quantum entanglement between an optomechanical cavity and a continuous field in presence of non-Markovian noise
Probing quantum entanglement with macroscopic objects allows us to test quantum mechanics in new regimes. One way to realize such behavior is to couple a macroscopic mechanical oscillator to a continuous light field via radiation pressure. In view of this, the system that is discussed comprises an optomechanical cavity driven by a coherent optical field in the unresolved sideband regime where we assume Gaussian states and dynamics. We develop a framework to quantify the amount of entanglement in the system numerically. Different from previous work, we treat non-Markovian noise and take into account both the continuous optical field and the cavity mode. We apply our framework to the case of the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory and discuss the parameter regimes where entanglement exists, even in the presence of quantum and classical noises.