Turkish Journal of Plastic Surgery (Dec 2017)
Anterior Open Scoring Otoplasty with Posterior Dermochondral Flap
Objective: There are various methods (reportedly more than 200) described for correcting prominent ears. Dermis preservation during posterior skin excision has been performed to decrease the risk of possible complications, particularly those associated with sutures, during otoplasty. Material and Methods: We preserved the dermis during posterior elliptic excision to provide vascular and structural support to the antihelical cartilage. The study aimed to determine the reliability and advantages of this method. In this retrospective study, patients who underwent open scoring otoplasty with a preserved posterior dermis were analyzed. In total 55 patients were included. Results: Of the 55 patients (four had unilateral deformity) included, five (9.09%) had postoperative upper pole recurrence, one (12.5% of all asymmetric patients) had persistent asymmetry, one (1.82%) had a few open wounds with some granulation on the anterior skin, two (3.64%) had restrictive anterior skin sloughing, and two (3.6%) had mild antihelical cartilage irregularity. Satisfactory wound healing, antihelical contours, and symmetry were achieved in the remaining patients. Conclusion: Our results were comparable to those reported in recent studies that used similar techniques. The dermis which is preserved during open scoring otoplasty provides a reliable structural and vascular support to the attached antihelical cartilage.