Tropicultura (Jan 1984)
Formation agronomique originale à trois niveaux au Cameroun
Original education in agronomical sciences at three levels in Cameroon. The University Centre of Dschang is composed of the National Advanced School of Agriculture and of the Institute of Agricultural Technology. There are five Departments in the N.A.S.A. (Forestry, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Soil Sciences and Rural Engineering) and three options in the I.A. T (Plant Production, Animal Production, Rural Economy and Vulgarization). The studies last five years after High School at the N.A.S.A. and three years at the I.A. T Successful students are respectively graduated as Engineer Agronomist or Engineer Forester or diplomated as Agricultural Technology Engineer. Agricultural technicians are also trained at the LA. T. The professors and lecturers of the N.A.S.A. are bound to give also course at the I.A.T. and vice versa.