Stem Cell Research (May 2017)
Establishment of a rabbit induced pluripotent stem cell (RbiPSC) line using lentiviral delivery of human pluripotency factors
Rabbit Embryonic Fibroblast (RbEF) cells (from Hycole hybrid rabbit foetus) were reprogrammed by lentiviral delivery of a self-silencing hOKSM polycistronic vector. The pluripotency of the newly generated RbiPSC was verified by the expression of pluripotency-associated markers and by in vitro spontaneous differentiation towards the 3 germ layers. Furthermore, the spontaneous differentiation potential of the iPSC was also tested in vivo by teratoma assay. The iPSC line showed normal karyotype. The advantages of using RbiPSC are the easy access to primary material and the possibility to study the efficacy and safety of the iPSC-based therapies on a non-rodent animal model.