Журнал Сибирского федерального университета: Серия Биология (Dec 2008)
The Organization of Processes Cycles Forming a Climate and Environment I. Problem statement
Problems of ecosystem changes and the organization of environment and climate formation cycle are investigated. It has been made within the limits of system-evolutionary methodology on the basis of the joint analysis of the associated changes of environments, components of the geosphere and intersystem relations in the regional natural and climatic system. The climatically significant role of mobile cyclones is revealed, and quantitative estimations of their contribution to the change of characteristics of a Western Siberia climate are received. Conditionally reversible transformations of ecosystems cause interannual and conditionally reversible long-term changes of regional climate characteristics. The direction and character of evolutionary significant changes of biosystems (including biocenosis) are defined by their relations within the limits of multilevel hierarchy of natural and economic and bioclimatic relations. A decrease in the biomass and the biocenosis efficiency, and a reduction of biodiversity testify that the period of the natural accumulation of the biomass and the energy of living material in the biosphere and the extensive development of organism communities has ended.