Using of Sensitivity Analysis in Road Transport Pricing
Ježek Jindřich,
Nožička Jiří,
Török Árpád
Ježek Jindřich
University of Pardubice, Faculty of Transport Engineering, Department of Transport Management, Marketing and Logistics, Studentská 95, Pardubice 532 10, Czech Republic
Nožička Jiří
University of Pardubice, Faculty of Transport Engineering, Department of Transport Management, Marketing and Logistics, Studentská 95, Pardubice 532 10, Czech Republic
Török Árpád
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Transport Technology and Economics, Muegyetem ekp 3., Budapest, H-1111, Hungary
The paper deals with the issue of sensitivity analysis and its possible use in price formation in passenger road transport. The input variables are selected on the model example. Based on the calculation, the sensitivity of the output to these input variables is determined, and the question how these inputs affect the overall result is answered.