Vegetation Classification and Survey (VCS) (Jun 2021)

Proposals (26–27): to conserve the names Nanocyperetalia Klika 1935 and Isoetetalia Braun-Blanquet 1936

  • Federico Fernández-González,
  • Vasco Silva,
  • Jean-Paul Theurillat

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2
pp. 65 – 69


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After a nomenclatural revision of the higher rank syntaxa of the class Isoeto-Nanojuncetea, the conservation of the order name Nanocyperetalia against Nanocypero-Polygonetalia and a conserved type for the order Isoetetalia are proposed. (26) Nanocyperetalia Klika 1935: 292, nom. cons. propos. Typus: Nanocyperion flavescentis Koch 1926: 20–28 (holotypus) (≡) Nanocypero-Polygonetalia Koch 1926: 20, nom. rejic. propos. (27) Isoetetalia Braun-Blanquet 1936a: 142, typus cons. propos. Typus: Isoetion Braun-Blanquet 1936a: 141 (typus cons. propos.) Taxonomic reference: Euro+Med (2020). Syntaxonomic reference: Mucina et al. (2016). Abbreviations: ICPN = International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature.