Економічний вісник Державного вищого навчального закладу Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет (Dec 2019)

Evaluation of impact of stakeholders on the economic security of business

  • Levchenko N. M.,
  • Dats’ko N. M.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 2
pp. 81 – 87


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The article points out that the integration of Ukraine into the European and world business space requires the adaptation of national realities to the European rules of management and implementation of the basic principles of activity in the practice of Ukrainian entrepreneurship. The necessity to take decisions in business on a stakeholder approach is emphasized. Express analysis of the origin of the concept of “stakeholders” is carried out. The interpretation of the term “stakeholders” in a narrow and broad sense is considered. The author's definition of the term “stakeholder analysis” as a process of exploring quantitative and qualitative information of interests / influence of priority stakeholder groups in order to identify possible contradictions between the company and stakeholders, their strength and importance of influencing the success of business implementation, as well as the preconditions for dialogue with stakeholders is suggested in the article. It has been stated that business has learned to value customer relationships a long time ago, but relationships with stakeholders are not perceived as requiring a separate strategy or a separate approach. The importance of stakeholder analysis in the choice of stakeholder relationship strategy is emphasized. An arsenal of tools for identifying and assessing balance of interests / influence of stakeholders used in the process of stakeholder analysis is considered. Attention is drawn to the lack of uniform approaches to the methodology and sequence of stakeholder analysis, which is one of the obstacles to its dissemination in domestic practice. The algorithm of Stakeholder analysis with clearly distinguished stages and consistency is proposed. It is proved that putting into practice the proposed stakeholder analysis algorithm will simplify the choice of business strategy for relations with stakeholders, will create the necessary information support for managerial making decision, and therefore, will become a fundamental basis for building a reliable mechanism for ensuring economic security of business.
