Journal of ICT in Education (Dec 2022)
critical review on m-learning for generation Z
Mobile technology has become an essential part of education as it showed its effectiveness in the teaching and learning process. The need for flexibility in teaching and learning has resulted in the shifting paradigm from the traditional methods of teaching towards m-learning. M-learning is a methodology for teaching and learning that uses mobile devices equipped with wireless connectivity, which offers the user to learn anytime and anywhere. Presently, state-of-the-art mobile technologies usage dramatically in high demand and almost dominated our lives in communication, socializing, and learning, especially among the young generation, generation Z. As a result, it is important to improve the attractiveness of the user interface (UI) elements in m-learning application to prevent distraction among generation Z towards m-learning. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to deliver a critical review of the trend of the m-learning frameworks and models, generation Z characteristics, the teaching and learning strategies based on generation Z’s characteristics, benefits, issues, and challenges. Hence, it may become comprehensive guidance for the policymakers, academicians, and researchers in this field who intend to adopt m-learning into the educational program.