GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (Nov 2006)
Expectations and limitations of E-learning in General Practice (ELGP)
E-learning and web-based learning can contribute substantially to the increase of knowledge in general practice. During the first congress of e-learning in general practice (ELGP) in July 2005 we therefore initiated a two-round Delphi-study, aiming to identify expectations and barriers regarding ELGP. We distributed questionnaires to the 60 participants of the congress who were invited experts in the field. The responses were independently analysed by two of the authors (HCV, JG) and were clustered to form 32 theses regarding ELGP. These were then given back to the participants in the second round of the Delphi-process with the objective to express agreement or disagreement. The response-rate was 67 percent (n=40) in the first and 60 percent (n=36) in the second round. The extend of agreement with the theses formed in the first round reached from eight percent (“e-learning is displacing practical teaching and learning”) to 97 percent (“e-learning needs convincing didactical concepts”) in the second round. The agreement was low (28%) with the thesis “e-learning can be financed by pharmaceutical companies” and very high with the theses “e-learning can be an important stimulus in continuous medical education”, “e-learning gets a new focus by blended-learning concepts”, “e-learning needs a strong orientation towards its users”, and “users will have a higher level of media-competence five years from now” (94% each). Chances and impetus of e-learning were rated high, but orientation towards users’ needs and the development of innovative didactical concepts (i.e. blended learning) still need to be optimized. The funding of ELGP free from industrial influence will play a major role in implementation. The experts’ responses in the Delphi-process clearly show that ELGP can contribute substantially to pre- and postgraduate medical education, and therefore should be evaluated in systematic studies.