Фізика і хімія твердого тіла (Jan 2018)

Dissipative Structures Following Damaging and Irreversible Deforming of the Ground and Rock Mass

  • L. M. Zakharova

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 2
pp. 252 – 258


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The purpose of the paper is investigation of the dissipative structures that occur in solids on the instance of rock mass during its damaging and irreversible deforming. Ground movement monitoring of surrounding underground roadway rock mass and landslides has been employed as the method of investigation. The author of this paper registered the dissipative structures that dispersed the ground pressure energy, periodically changing their patterns during irreversible deformation. It was found for the first time that short interaction of the rock fragments and far cooperation of the clusters minimize the entropy production, and are the form in which the dissipative structures appear. Space and time parameters of these structures evolution have been investigated. In order to achieve the practical relevance of the experimental findings a new principle of constructions stability enhancement were developed. Both the translational and rotational degree of freedom should be restricted for moving ground in three dimensional state. Key words: solids, strength, irreversible deformation, dissipative structure, self-organization, far interaction, cluster.