Bìznes Inform (Sep 2015)

Economic Cooperation of Ukraine with the GUAM in the Context of Functioning of the CIS and the DCFTA with the EU

  • Kobylianska Alla V.


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The article examines the role of GUAM in the external economic relations of Ukraine. On comparison of the data of the foreign trade turnover with the countries of GUAM and, separately, the CIS and the EU, place of GUAM in the system of foreign economic priorities of Ukraine was determined. Special attention was paid to relations between the countries of GUAM and the Member States of the EU, as well as to the data on the foreign trade of Ukraine and the neighboring countries. The relevant study was based on the analysis of data from the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine regarding exports and imports of goods and services, the dynamics and structure of the relevant indicators for 2005 and 2010–2013 were examined. As a result, the author concludes that, despite the fact that the activities of regional associations in general and GUAM in particular are increasingly directed at solving current problems, Ukraine's cooperation with the countries of GUAM (despite the small volumes of the foreign trade), is of strategic importance. Thus, GUAM is considered by the author as a means of effective integration into the EU, creating a buffer economic zone towards Russia and, accordingly, the differentiation of economic risks associated with foreign trade, taking advantage of the geographical position at the crossroads of the main economic routes from East to West and vice versa.
