Науковий Вісник Південноукраїнського Національного Педагогічного Університету імені К. Д. Ушинського (Dec 2019)
Formation of scientific outlook in the process of professional training aimed at the future masters of History by means of cross-curricular communications
The formation of scientific outlook in the process of the professional training aimed at the future masters of History by means of cross-curricular communications seem to be of great importance. The basis of professional training of masters of History is provided by general scientific, philosophical, general cultural, methodical and special knowledge. The Master's degree in History provides an understanding of the content of the Humanities, the knowledge of Ukraine’s history, the knowledge of the major trends in the evolution of European history and culture. Undergraduate students must have a comprehensive approach to scientific analysis, they are to be able to evaluate the events and activities of historical figures from the standpoint of universal values, to critically evaluate historical facts based on alternative views of the problem, to find out the cause and effect of the relationships in historical events of the past, to analyse and to generalize historical material in a certain system and to form on this ground a personal outlook, to know the achievements of the Humanities and social sciences. Institutions of higher education should combine in the educational space the education, training and development of the personality of each student, while creating the conditions for the formation of the scientific outlook of the Master of History, which must correspond to the modern, complex realities of social development. The formation of a scientific outlook requires focused and continuous work throughout the magistracy. In the mind of the student, the formation of the scientific worldview occurs in the form of a synthesis of interdisciplinary knowledge, that is, the formation of a holistic system of knowledge that is learned in classes in different disciplines of masterʼs training. The importance of forming the scientific outlook of future specialists has been proved in the scientific literature in view of the importance of the development of modern society, but the structural components of the scientific outlook of the personality of the specialist, pedagogical technologies (pedagogical conditions) of the process of its formation have not been sufficiently developed. In order to pass certain stages of the effective procedure, we propose the pedagogical conditions that will contribute to a better formation of the scientific outlook of masters of History. Therefore, the main pedagogical conditions of this process, in our opinion, are as follows: 1) to obtain meaningful theoretical knowledge in all subjects of the master's training unit; 2) to form personal relations to the historical fact and the historical figure; 3) to motivate masters to active independent work (interest in educational material, actualization of a cognitive activity, possibility of using the students’ creative potential, to encourage them to self-education and self-development).