Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health (Aug 2024)
Contraceptive devices in India
Contraception as a process of preventing pregnancy, in the last decades and increase use of contraceptives methods has been display in developed and less developed countries. Barrier methods, hormonal methods and sterilization, plus new contraceptive products or methods are available today. These are new implants, a medicated intrauterine device, contraceptive vaginal rings, transdermal patches and several new regimen of combined oral contraceptives. These new or improved methods have been developed to expand the contraceptive choices available to women and men, as well to respond to the unmet need for contraceptives and to the protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Various contraceptive methods are being used in India today and are effectively prevent unwanted pregnancy but there is a need to generate awareness and a better sexual and reproductive education that can serve to the general Indian public to reduce maternal mortality and sexual transmitted infections.