Bulletin of Emergency and Trauma (Apr 2024)
Impact of Oropharyngeal Stimulation during Laryngeal Mask Insertion on Cardiovascular Response in adult patients. A Doubleblind Clinical Trial Study
Objective: Laryngeal mask airway (LMA) insertion has been found to reduce cardiovascular responses whencompared to laryngoscopy and intubation. This research aimed to examine the impact of various techniquesemployed for LMA insertion on cardiovascular response.Methods: This randomized, double-blind clinical trial included 90 elective surgery candidates divided intothree groups of 30. All patients underwent similar anesthesia. The LMA was inserted using the classicaltechnique, 180° rotation technique, and face-to-face triple maneuver technique (FFTMT). The cardiovascularresponses, the success rate of LMA placement, and other outcomes were documented and compared amongthe three methods.Results: The study revealed that the blood pressure of patients 10 minutes after LMA insertion using therotational technique was higher than the standard technique (p=0.019). The pulse rate in the third (p=0.044,p=0.024) and fifth minutes (p=0.028, p=0.048) following the insertion of LMA demonstrated higher valueswhen utilizing the FFTMT than the standard and rotational technique groups, respectively. Moreover, theincidence of sore throat following surgery in the FTFTM group was slightly greater than that observed with thestandard and rotation techniques (p=0.389 and p=0.688, respectively).Conclusion: The findings of the present investigation indicated that implementing the classic technique forLMA placement resulted in a more consistent blood pressure (BP) and pulse rate (PR) response than the 180°rotation and FFTMT. Furthermore, the classical method exhibited a marginally lower success rate in terms ofLMA insertion than the alternative methods.