Türk Oftalmoloji Dergisi (Jul 2012)
Evaluation of Macula with Optical Coherence Tomography in Patients with Decreased Visual Acuity after Successful Retinal Detachment Surgery
Pur po se: To study the foveal microstructural changes that may explain the incomplete visual recovery in eyes with anatomically successful repair of rhegmatogenous retinal detachments (RRD) using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) and to evaluate the correlation between foveal changes and postoperative visual acuity. Ma te ri al and Met hod: Forty-four eyes of 43 patients with macula-off RRDs were examined in our study. Patients were examined on first, third and sixth months postoperatively. The patients had a complete ophthalmological examination and OCT images were obtained at all postoperative visits. The postoperative OCT findings were classified in 4 groups: Group 1: continuous inner segment/outer segment (IS/OS) line, Group 2: disrupted IS/OS line, Group 3: epiretinal membrane (ERM), Group 4: residual foveal detachment. Re sults: Postoperative OCT findings showed that group 1 consisted of 19 eyes (43.2%), group 2 consisted of 15 eyes (34.1%), group 3 consisted of 7 eyes (15.9%) and group 4 consisted of 3 eyes (6.8%). The mean best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was significantly higher (p<0.001). Dis cus si on: Spectral-domain OCT provides valuable information which helps the understanding of foveal microstructural changes and explains the possible causes of poor postoperative visual acuity in eyes with anatomically successful RRD repair. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2012; 42: 274-9)