رشد و یادگیری حرکتی ورزشی (Apr 2014)

The Effect of Sport Injuries on Profile of Mood States in Soccer Players of Tehran Persepolis Team

  • Karim Biglar,
  • Amirhosein Barati,
  • Daryoush Soodi,
  • Farshid Tahmasbi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 1
pp. 125 – 139


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Profile of mood states tests show that the players who are injured are affected psychologically as well. In cases of severer injuries, loss of mental health and tendency to depression are not uncommon. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sport injuries on profile of mood states of Tehran Persepolis team soccer players. For this purpose, 54 players from Tehran Persepolis team (adults and youth) participated in this study. Research data were collected by the team physician with POMS questionnaire before and after the players' injuries. The descriptive statistics and dependent t test at a significance level of 95% were used for data analysis. Results indicated that all players experienced at least one injury during one season (2012- 2013). The findings also indicated that their profile of mood states was similar to Morgan' profile before their injury while this profile was reverse after their injury. There was a significant difference in players' profile of mood states before and after the injury (P=0.0001). Findings indicated that the mean of players' POMS changed after the injury. Also, their tension, depression, anger, fatigue and confusion increased while their vigor decreased.
