As denominações para menstruação no Atlas Lingüístico de Sergipe - ALS
This essay presents one of the interesting aspects of linguistic studies, the Lexicon. This work investigates the answers of the informants of Atlas Linguístico de Sergipe – ALS. According to the atlas, created in 1963 in Brazil, they intended to continue the already successful atlas made in Bahia, Atlas Prévio dos Falares Baianos - APFB (1953), given to name the physiological cause of bleeding monthly period of women, from the use of the card 92, menstruation of ALS. The interest in the work is justified because it is a bailout to the study of language letters contained in the atlas, important tools for the description of the Portuguese spoken in Brazilian soil. The methodology used consisted in performing the following steps: a) reading of theoretical texts related to the proposed theme; b) choice and formation of the corpus, as already mentioned; c) corpus analysis in order to identify the diatopical variations in order to draw boundary isoglosses of possible dialectal areas; and, d) research in contemporary dictionaries, in order to try to establish a dialogue between data collected on site and Portuguese language dictionaries. Analyses of the letter menstruation of ALS seek to identify and study the lexical items found in order to check the lexical selection made by informants from the ALS. It is noteworthy that the analysis of the corpus enabled perform the registration and documentation of lexical diversity of the Portuguese spoken in Sergipe.