Bulletin of Emergency and Trauma (Jul 2015)
Traumatic Aneurysm of Innominate Artery Resulting in Tracheal Stenosis and Rapidly Progressive Respiratory Failure; A Case Report and Literature Review
Traumatic injuries to great vessels are relative common in trauma practice. Blunt thoracic trauma may result in dissection injury to aorta and innominate artery. We herein present a late presentation of traumatic innominate artery aneurysm. A29-year-old woman presented with dyspnea to our emergency department. She had previous motor-vehicle accident a month before presentation for which had undergone chest tube insertion. She was diagnosed to have traumatic aneurysm of innominate artery resulting in tracheal stenosis resulting in acute life threatening respiratory failure. She underwent simultaneous aneurysm resection and tracheal reconstruction. She was uneventfully discharged from hospital. Any post-traumatic respiratory and cardiovascular symptoms may propound an undiagnosed serious injury to the great vessels. Extra and repetitive imaging studies may help us in better evaluation of traumatized patients with high energy mechanisms and sharp injuries to chest and neck.