Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (Jan 2019)
Quality of life in bladder cancer patients receiving medical oncological treatment; a systematic review of the literature
Abstract Background Previous quality of life (QoL) literature in bladder cancer (BC) patients has focused on finding the preferred urinary diversion while little is known about the QoL of patients in medical oncological treatment (MOT). We performed a systematic review to assess the existing literature on QoL in patients with muscle-invasive BC (MIBC) undergoing MOT. Methods A systematic search of Pubmed and Embase was performed. Inclusion criteria were studies containing QoL data for patients undergoing chemo- and/or radiotherapy. We extracted all QoL scorings at different time intervals and on the six most prevalent domains: overall QoL, urinary, bowel sexual symptoms, pain and fatigue. The study was carried out according to PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews and GRADE was used to rate the quality of evidence from the included studies. Results Of 208 papers reviewed, 21 papers were included. Twenty-one different QoL instruments were applied. The only data on QoL during chemotherapy was from patients in clinical trials investigating new treatments. No studies were found for patients in neoadjuvant treatment. The level of evidence at each time point was graded as very low to moderate. From the studies included the overall QoL seemed inversely related to the organ-specific impairment from sexual and urinary symptoms and increased with decreasing organ-specific symptoms for long term survivors > 6 months after treatment. Conclusions Collection of data on QoL from patients with MIBC disease undergoing MOT has been sparse and diverse. The present data can act as a summary but prompts for more prospective collection of QoL data from BC patients.