Les Nouvelles de l’Archéologie (Dec 2019)

L’archéologie et le Cnrs

  • Bruno Maureille,
  • Cécile Michel

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 157
pp. 17 – 25


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In this article we try to provide an analysis of the Archaeology sensu lato evolution to the Cnrs over the past 40 years, and more precisely during the last 30 years. This analysis is mainly based on the official reports (“rapports de conjuncture”) of Commitees number 31 and 32 of the Comité national de la recherche scientifique, the different official laws that have concerned Archaeology, the structural changes that have affected the CNRS, Universities, graduate teaching and the reactions of the archaeological community as well. It must be noted that the decline in permanent positions (researchers, ingeniors and technicians) at the Cnrs has been the main concern of the community over the past thirty years.
