Russian Linguistic Bulletin (Jul 2022)
Mixed Buryat-Russian oral speech: lexico-morphological features
A feature of the modern language situation on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia is the Buryat-Russian bilingualism. Currently, the Buryat and Russian languages have the same legal status, but the scope of the Buryat language is gradually decreasing and is now used in everyday communication. As a result of the intensive development of mass bilingualism, everyday Buryat colloquial speech is characterized by the active penetration of an increasing number of Russian-speaking units. Speech, especially of young people, is characterized by frequent unmotivated transitions to Russian and vice versa. Of course, this phenomenon is closely related to both external and internal factors. Nevertheless, this is the Buryat language, which retains the typological features of the agglutinative structure of the language in morphology, in the paradigm of inflectional forms.