East European Journal of Physics (Jun 2024)
Transition Probabilities, Oscillator and Line Strengths in Sc XIX
Scandium XIX ion is a member of the isoelectronic sequence of Li-like ions. Numerical coulomb approximation and quantum defect theory have been used to calculate energies, quantum defects & transition probabilities, oscillator, and line strengths of Sc XIX ion for the transitions ns → mp, np → ms, np → md, and nd → mp Rydberg series. The energies of Sc XIXX ions up to n = 5 are given in the NIST database and the literature. We used quantum defect theory and determined the energies and quantum defects up to n = 30. The energies and quantum defects of 125 levels are reported for the first time. Sc XIX ion's transition probabilities, oscillator, and line strengths were compared with the corresponding values in the NIST database of spectral lines. The NIST database contains data of only seventy-six spectral lines. Only six spectra lines have percent uncertainties of more than 10%. The results of the remaining seventy spectral lines agree well with the NIST values. Almost 1800 transition probabilities, oscillators, and line strengths are new.