Revista Electrónica Dr. Zoilo E. Marinello Vidaurreta (Sep 2023)
Study habits, learning styles and knowledge retention in medical student
Background: several studies show deterioration of theoretical and practical knowledge between three months and a year after taught; therefore, institutions recommend systematic reviews. Objective: to determine the relationship between study habits, learning styles and knowledge retention of physiological, taught in the subject Cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and renal system, in third-year medical students, from Puerto Padre Medical Sciences College in April 2023. Methods: a cross-sectional, analytical observational study was conducted in 54 students of the third year of the medical science, with the objective, institution and period previously defined. Three instruments were applied, including the variables: age, sex, study habits, learning style and diagnostic test result. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used for its processing. Results: the average age of the sample was 21.28±1.07 years and 66.67 % of the female sex; 57.41 % passed the diagnostic examination; the respiratory and digestive systems had the best results. Reflective style was the most frequent (40.74 %), while in students with theoretical style the results were higher. 51.61 % of those approved had very adequate study habits (X2=6.538; p=0.0380) and in these the number of hours dedicated to the study was higher. Conclusions: the relationship between study habits, learning styles and knowledge retention of physiological contents in medical students was determined.