Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Dentistry (May 2024)
(VDR) Gene Polymorphisms – Rapid and noninvasive oral detection Method
Background: In recent years, the importance of vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene restriction fragment length polymorphisms for various types of disease and cancers has been investigated by a great number of studies. A non invasive method could be employed for extracting DNA. Oral rinse has been found to be one of the sources for collecting genomic DNA. Objective: To develop a rapid and non-invasive method for the detection of Vitamin D Receptor (VDRFok1) Gene from oral rinse. Methods: Oral rinse samples were collected normal individuals with informed consent. Individuals included were healthy adults between 20-40 years of age. Oral rinse (40ml) was taken after gentle brushing over the lesions. DNA extraction was done according to Lucky MH et al and PCR was performed using beta globin primers GH02/PC04 and VDR-Fok1 primers. A 256bp amplified products was visualized by Gel Doc Hero Lab software (Germany). The PCR-RFLP results showed the 20 or 40% FF genotype (homozygote of common allele) with one band of 265bp. Results: The mean concentration of 60 DNA samples was 14.484±10.63ug/ml. The results of VDR-Fok1 gene polymorphism shows that out of 60 subjects 48 were normal (FF 80%), 12 were Heterozygous (Ff 20%) and 0 were mutated (ff 0%). Conclusion: Oral rinse is a perfect medium for rapid and non invasive diagnostic applications of VDR gene may be optimized for other salivary biomarkers. Key Words: Oral Rinse, DNA Extraction, PCR, RFLP, VDR, Fok1 Polymorphism.