Journal of Technology Management & Innovation (Dec 2024)

The Influence of Dynamic Capabilities in Knowledge-Intensive Enterprises: A Study on a Regional Program to Foster Innovation in KIE Firms

  • Brenno Buarque,
  • Samuel Câmara,
  • José Glauco Paula Pinto,
  • Elias Pereira Lopes Júnior,
  • José Iran Batista de Melo Filho

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 4


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The literature on innovation policies for knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship has discussed the implications of these policies on businesses and how they relate to knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship and regional development. This article explores the relationship between dynamic capabilities (network and absorptive) and entrepreneurial attitudes with the innovative capacity of knowledge-intensive companies participating in a regional public policy for innovation and entrepreneurship. Forty-six questionnaires were administered, assessing dynamic capabilities and entrepreneurial attitudes. Data underwent Factor Analysis and ANOVA. The findings support prior research on the relationship between Causation/Effectuation, Network Capacity, and Absorptive Capacities. However, the study did not observe a significant link between developing new and creative solutions and the innovative capacity of startups benefiting from the program (PCEI), contrary to existing literature. This research fills a gap in the literature by examining factors influencing the development of innovative capabilities in knowledge-intensive companies within a government innovation stimulus program. Most studies focus on regional policy impact or performance analysis, while this article emphasizes the evolution of internal capabilities within such firms.
