Results in Optics (Dec 2023)
Integrated photonic secured reliable DWDM for 5G Xhaul at Ka band frequency
This article investigates a secure reliable dense-wavelength-division-multiplexing (DWDM) with three different kinds of media for many geographic environments. A 80 Gb/s data transmission at Ka band (28 GHz) based three secure physical links using an optical chaotic signal, which applies a mask to hide the transmitted signal inside a generated chaos sketch. Based to the achieved results, the chaotic signal has a considerable effect on the free space optics than fiber optics. The simulation findings depict that the new model has an acceptance performance for all simulated links with 10-34 BER in the case of 4x4 FSO, but the ratio is degraded to 10-5 with increasing the distance of 3 Km. Similarly, the BERs are decreased from 10-32 to 10-8 when the coarse-DWM optical fiber is utilized; In the case of cascaded SMF-4x4 FSO, BER ratio is declined from 10-32 to 10-6. The proposed model has a best quality compared with the former chaotic studies and investigations.