Diversitate si Identitate Culturala in Europa (Apr 2023)
Review. Ştefan Găitănaru, Gramatica critică a limbii române, Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, Piteşti, 2018, 468 p.
ŞTEFAN GĂITĂNARU, Gramatica critică a limbii române, Pitești, 2018. This is a review of a work which aims at critically analysing the grammatical codification of the Romanian language in the latest academic treatises (GALR, 2000/2006; GBLR. 2005/2010). Ștefan Găitănaru, the author of the Gramatica critică a limbii române, române (‘The Critical Grammar of the Romanian Language’), published by the University of Pitești, examines the arguments for various innovations in the interpretation of language facts, proposing counterarguments and providing his own interpretations related to them.