Pensamiento Palabra y Obra (Jun 2016)
Art and Informatics: Creating Interdisciplinarity for a Complex Technological Education
The paper presents some reflections on a teaching practice shared between the disciplines of Art and Informatics in a professional school of education in Brazil. It addresses the initial concerns of teachers regarding comprehensive education, aroused while carrying out an activity common to both areas: teaching contemporary art by means of video-art. Then the methodology of the work done is addressed, as the shared lessons were given simultaneously by the two teachers, and a discussion on the issues addressed by the students -namely violence, consumerism and integration into the school environment- is done. Authors like Ana Mae Barbosa and Viviane Mosé, who argue and reflect on the challenges of contemporary education concerning the interests of pupils today, are then studied. The analysis of the videos produced by the students from the perspective of their technical, aesthetic and artistic quality allows us to problematize significant learning opportunities that integration between the two areas of Art and Informatics brings for teaching young people, an age group whose interest in new media and technologies is highly relevant.