International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (Jun 2024)
TOPSIS Method Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Set and Its Application to Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer
Abstract Fuzzy set theory is a mathematical method for dealing with uncertainty and imprecision in decision-making. Some of the challenges and complexities involved in medical diagnosis can be addressed with the help of fuzzy set theory. Ovarian cancer is a disease that affects the female reproductive system's ovaries, which also make the hormones progesterone and estrogen. The ovarian cancer stages demonstrate how far the disease has spread from the ovaries to other organs. The TOPSIS technique (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) aids in selecting the best option from a selection of choices by taking into account a number of variables. It provides a ranking or preference order after weighing the benefits and drawbacks of each solution. Intuitionistic fuzzy soft set (IFSS) is the framework to deal with the uncertain information with the help of the parameters. The goal of this article is to develop some basic aggregation operators (AOs) based on the IFSS and then use them to diagnose the stages of the ovarian cancer using the TOPSIS technique. Furthermore, the variation of the parameters used in the developed model AOs is also observed and graphically represented.