Pandian Journal of Women's Studies (May 2022)
அம்பையின் சிறுகதைகளில் பெண்ணியச் சிந்தனைகள் / Feminist Thoughts in the Short Stories of Ambai
When examining the life of women from time to time, it is possible to know that women are unable to act independently. It is right for a woman to express her pain. Writer Ambai has tried to change the ideological elements that society has created for women through her writings. He paints the fairest dreams of women. Ambai tells the community that Women can recreate life for themselves. She creates the concept of feminism to live independently while facing the oppression. Ambai says that feminism is not against men, feminism is for women to achieve their dreams together with men. Ambai tries to bring the male-female contradictions created by the society into the structure of female-male through her writings. Ambai, as a writer acts as a guide for women to free themselves from social oppression. She is a great feminist writer and a social worker who shouts out the innermost feelings of a woman fighting for women's rights to the society. Through her short stories, she shows the way for women who are paralyzed in the kitchen and bedroom to come into the social space to prove their individual talent.