Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean (May 2017)
Glass finds from Areas U and G at the Kom el-Dikka sitein Alexandria (excavations in 2012 and 2013)
The glass material from PCMA excavations at the Kom el-Dikka site in Alexandria inthe 2012 and 2013 seasons consisted mainly of a late Roman/early Byzantine assemblage, mostlyyellowish-green blown glass characterized by a homogeneity of the fabric, a limited variety of vesseltypes and simple workmanship, all indicative of a local glasshouse most likely operating at the site.Fragments of early and late Roman mosaic glass were also an important element of the set. Excavationsin area U (sub-area US) also yielded a handful of late Hellenistic/early Roman glasses: varioustypes of cast bowls seldom previously reported from Kom el-Dikka, a linear-cut bowl, monochromepatella, and colorless bowl with broad rim and overhung edge. The assemblage coming from area G(basement of the late Roman baths) comprised late Roman free-blown, utilitarian wares representinga limited range of forms. Also found in this area was cast glass of the late Hellenistic/early Romanperiod: mosaic glass and a grooved bowl, the latter recorded for the first time at Kom el-Dikka.