Научно-аналитический вестник Института Европы РАН (Jan 2021)

Biden’s Climate Office and Paris Agreement

  • Sergey Roginko



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The subject of the analysis is the initiatives of the new US administration in the field of global efforts in the field of climate change and national climate policy. The author analyzes in detail the main provisions of the Biden administration's climate policy and provides a forecast of the impact of this policy on the nature of the ongoing negotiations on the Paris Agreement. The article analyzes fundamentally new issues, including putting the climate agenda at the forefront of the national domestic and foreign policy and security policy of the United States. The article examines the organizational innovations and management decisions implemented by the Biden administration to implement a new type of climate policy, and their connection with personnel changes in the administration and management of leading federal ministries and departments, which are expressed in a sharp increase in the climate competence of senior personnel. The forecast of areas of greatest activity of the US in negotiations under the Paris agreement and formed for Russia in this context, risks and challenges. The study of possible retaliatory measures from the Russian side is given.
