Медицинский вестник Юга России (Mar 2023)
Challenges for occupational medicine during the pandemic of a new coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19)
The article describes the current issues in occupational medicine and the ways to resolve them in the context of the spread of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19. The risks of COVID-19 infection in medical and non-medical workers are considered. Modern approaches to establishment of COVID-19 causal relationship with occupation and medical examinations in patients with COVID-19 are presented. The main provisions of the National concept of healthcare-associated infections relevant in the context of COVID-19 pandemic are presented. Problems in public health care related to restructuring of work of medical organizations in conditions of COVID-19 spread are shown. Attention is paid to mental health disorders in medical workers providing medical care to patients with COVID-19. The prospects of development and implementation of measures for prevention of COVID-19, its complications and adverse outcomes taking into account complex assessment of working environment and professional health of workers are considered from the position of occupational medicine.