Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського (Jan 2019)
Specification of Thematic Communications between Subject Rubrics of the Electronic Library “Ukrainica”
The article deals with the thematic presentation of electronic documents. The case study of the electronic library "Ukrainica" NBUV shows the peculiarities of establishing thematic links between subject sections. Examples of thematic disclosure and presentation of the content of Ukrainian studies documents are demonstrated. The principles for categories of subject headings separation are substantiated, the logic of presentation of the thematic field with the help of separate thematically similar headings-certificates is substantiated. Each subject heading is assigned a category to a specific subject area, in which each user has the ability to search. Subject headings are written in a natural language, so are understandable for an audience which requires to conduct subject and topic search.The research focuses on the priority of search parameters in the concept selection process for indexing. The iterative nature of the search is emphasized in the absence of a well-defined user query. Thematic disclosure and presentation of the content of Ukrainian studies documents by establishing thematic links between subject sections of the electronic library "Ukrainica" NBUV is demonstrated. The specifics of the organization of thematic access, in particular the immersion of information search, which can be expanded or narrowed, in the context of related concepts are covered. It is confirmed that the system of non-hierarchical content links based on subject headings is capable of providing a search not only on the subject of its initial query but also on the content relevant to it. First of all, the effectiveness of using these tools lies in their technological compatibility with the nature of the web space that enables the integration of electronic library collections into the modern information environment.