Jurnal Agripet (Apr 2022)

Pengaruh Perbedaan Bahan Perekat dan Sumber Filtrat terhadap Fraksi Serat dan Kualitas Fisik Wafer Ransum Komplit

  • Adli Adli,
  • Dewi Febrina,
  • Zumarni Zumarni,
  • Fitrah Khairi,
  • Sadarman Sadarman

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 1
pp. 88 – 96


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ABSTRACT. Pelepah sawit dapat diolah dengan penambahan filtrat abu sekam padi (FASP) dan filtrat abu tandan kosong (FATK) selanjutnya digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan wafer. Perbedaan sumber filtrat dan bahan perekat dalam pembuatan wafer memengaruhi fraksi serat dan kualitas fisik. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh sumber filtrat dalam pengolahan pelepah sawit dan bahan perekat berbeda dalam pembuatan wafer terhadap fraksi serat dan kualitas fisik. Rancangan acak lengkap berfaktor 2 x 3 dengan 3 ulangan digunakan dalam penelitian. Faktor F : sumber filtrat : F1= FATK dan F2 = FASP. Faktor L: bahan perekat, L1 = molases; L2. onggok; L3. tepung tapioka. Parameter yang diukur adalah kualitas fisik (kerapatan partikel dan daya serap air) serta fraksi serat (serat detergen asam/acid detergent fiber (ADF), hemiselulosa, selulosa, lignin dan serat detergen netral/neutral detergent fiber (NDF). Data dianalisis dengan analisis variansi selanjutnya analisis ragam dengan uji jarak berganda Duncan/Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Pelepah sawit yang diolah dengan sumber filtrat berbeda tidak memengaruhi kualitas fisik (daya serap air dan kerapatan partikel) serta kandungan selulosa dan hemiselulosa, tapi memengaruhi (P0,05) kandungan ADF, lignin dan NDF. Penggunaan bahan perekat berbeda dalam pembuatan wafer tidak memengaruhi kerapatan partikel tapi memengaruhi (P0,05) daya serap air dan fraksi serat (ADF, lignin, hemiselulosa, NDF, dan selulosa). Interaksi sumber filtrat dalam pengolahan pelepah sawit dengan bahan perekat dalam pembuatan wafer memengaruhi (P0,05) fraksi serat dan kualitas fisik. Pelepah sawit yang diolah dengan FASP selanjutnya dibuat wafer berbahan perekat molases menghasilkan fraksi serat terbaik (NDF 43,03%; ADF 40,29%; lignin 12,62%; selulosa 24,63%; hemiselulosa 2,74%) dan pelepah sawit yang diolah dengan FATK selanjutnya dibuat wafer berbahan perekat tepung tapioka menghasilkan kualitas fisik terbaik. (The effect of differences of adhesive and filtrates sources on fiber fraction and physical quality of complete ration wafer) ABSTRAK. Palm fronds can be processed with the addition of rice husk ash filtrate (RHAF) and empty bunches ash filtrate (EBHF) and then used as an ingredient in making wafers. Difference source of the filtrate and adhesive material in wafer making affect the fiber fraction and physical quality. The study aimed to determine the effect of the filtrate source in the processing of palm fronds and different adhesives in wafer making on the fiber fraction and physical quality. A completely randomized design with a factorial pattern, 2 x 3 with 3 replications was used in the study. Factor F : filtrate source : F1 = RHAF and F2 = EBHF. Factor L : adhesive material, L1 = molasses; L2 = tapioca by product ; L3 = tapioca flour. The measured parameters are physical quality (particle density and water absorption) and fiber fraction (ADF, hemicellulose, lignin, cellulose, and NDF). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and the differences were analyzed by DMRT test. Palm fronds treated with different filtrate sources did not affect the physical quality (water absorption and particle density) and cellulose and hemicellulose content, but affected (P0.05) the content of ADF, lignin and NDF. The use of different adhesives in wafer making did not affect particle density but affected (P0.05) water absorption and fiber fraction (ADF, lignin, hemicellulose, NDF, and cellulose). The interaction of the filtrate source in the processing of palm fronds with the adhesive in wafer making affected (P0.05) the fiber fraction and physical quality. Palm fronds which were processed with RHAF then formed wafers with molasses as an adhesive, producing the best fiber fraction (NDF 43.03%; ADF 40.29%; lignin 12.62%; cellulose 24.63%; hemicellulose 2.74%) and palm fronds which were processed with EBAF then formed wafers with tapioca flour adhesive, resulting in the best physical quality.
